Many landlords who carried out Portable Appliance Test (PAT) tests when letting their properties for the first time have since failed to re-apply for this crucial check since they expired, new figures show.
Although gas safety regulations put strict legal obligations on landlords, there is no electrical equivalent even though such appliances can present similar levels of danger. Research carried out by INEX Property Solutions, property and maintenance service providers, also showed that of 500 landlords contacted over a four week period, more than 50% then signed up for a re-test. “Landlords need to be reminded that whatever appliances they are providing as part of their tenancy agreement, be that a fridge/freezer, microwave, washing-machine or lamp, they have a duty of care to their tenants to ensure these are maintained to a safe standard,” said Oli Kavanagh, Director of INEX Property Solutions. “Any of these appliances could cause an electrical fire. When a tenancy agreement is renewed it is easy to forget about carrying out thorough and regular due diligence and the response to our recent client reminder is evidence of this.”
Periodic inspections should be made on both gas and electrical appliances as well as fixed wiring and INEX advise landlords to carry out PAT tests between tenancies when the property is empty to make it easier to establish which appliances are the landlord’s responsibility.
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